Week 7 Term 1 2023
Acknowledgement of Country
We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land the Birri-Gubba Juru people and pay our respects to the elders past, present and future for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Indigenous Australia.
Principal & Teaching and Learning Update
Dear parents and friends,
Welcome to Week 7 !
It has come to the staff’s attention that some students, especially in the senior year, are struggling at times with showing correct behaviour on the playground. For some students the playground is a hard place to understand and correctly interact with others. The playground is a place where games change, rules for games created by peers are different, personalities dominate and challenges occur. It may seem a simple place for adults - kids just play but it often can be a complex ecosystem where students need to be taught the skills how to play.
This week all classes will be looking at what is acceptable behaviour in the playground, what can I do if I don’t have anyone to play with or who can help me when I am not sure of things to do. At St Colman’s School at lunch time we offer library time 3 days a week, lego club two days, Mini Vinnies, Run Club in the morning and gardening /environment club one day a week. This enables students who don't necessarily want to play touch football etc to find an alternative activity.
All students must RISE - Respect/ Inspire/Safe/Effort on the playground. I encourage you to talk to your child and tell them it is OK to seek out an adult when they are having problems on the playground. The idea of “dobbing” needs to be dismissed. Everyone, including adults, all need help at times to solve problems.
The use of violence, swearing or isolating another student is not tolerated at St Colman’s School. Parents will be notified and students removed from the playground. The old saying of "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will not hurt me" - we all know is very untrue. Bones can actually become stronger after a break but the damage of words can sometimes wound us for many years.
For the rest of the term teachers will be rewarding great behaviour on the playground
- this might be through naming the students in front of the whole school and stating why their behaviour was excellent e.g I liked how you went and asked that person to come and play or I saw you making sure that everyone got a fair go of the equipment.
- receiving a voucher for the tuckshop for a free ice cream
- having a special afternoon tea at snack time with Mrs Keys
Please talk to your teacher or myself if you have any questions about this issue.
Easter Hat parade
On Thursday 30th March (Week 10) all students are invited to create an Easter bonnet or hat. What is an Easter hat parade? Hats or bonnets have been part of Easter celebrations for generations. Once upon a time women would get dressed up in their finest clothes and bonnet to attend church on Easter Sunday. Over time, making a new hat for Easter became a tradition.
The hat can be any theme and style of hat. Prizes for each class will be awarded in the area of best decorated and most unique or creative use of resources. Parents are welcome to join us at 9.00am for the Easter Hat parade.
RACQ Streets Ahead program
Next Thursday 16th March the RACQ Streets Ahead program will work with every class. The program is run by qualified teachers who will enthuse and educate your students through a variety of teaching methods including demonstrations, interactive activities and meaningful discussions.
Our specially designed road mat gives Prep to year 2 the ability to learn correct road safety behaviours and practice crossing the road safely. For Years 3 - 6 students, our Education Officers will demonstrate the importance of responsible behaviours and safety equipment, like helmets and seatbelts, through engaging lessons.
Drain Stencils
Next week some students will be involved in re-stencilling our drain messages about the reef and the need to keep out rubbish especially plastics from our waterways. Why is this important ? When it rains, the water is carried to the nearest drain and transported to creeks, rivers, wetlands and eventually into the ocean through a network of stormwater pipes. Unlike sewerage this water is not usually treated before it is discharged. This means that all the pollutants found on the streets eventually end up in our waterways after a rain event. Typical pollutants include rubbish (such as cigarette butts, plastic softdrink bottles, plastic shopping bags and takeaway food wrappers), oil and rubber particles from car engines and tyres, leaves, grass clippings and fertilisers from gardens (including dog poop).
These pollutants reduce the quality of the water and damage aquatic and marine life in waterways,
wetlands and the Great Barrier Reef.
Next term we'll be forming an Environment Club where students interested in helping our environment will meet at lunch time and think of ways to help our school and wider environment. Some possible ideas could include - Nude Food days, recycling audit, saving energy around the school, planting plants that attract birds and bees.
Annual General Meeting of St Colman’s School CSP
Date: Monday 20th March 2023 at 5.30pm in the St Colman’s School Staffroom.
St Colman’s school has a very unique position in having a CSP parental group. Not all schools have a CSP. Many schools have a School Board and a P & F. Due to our size it was decided a few years ago that a CSP would better serve the St Colman’s School community.
A CSP is a group of parents that gather two times a term and have the focus of better engaging parents in their child’s education and wellbeing. Some of the roles of CSP is to fundraise money but the major focus is to build community within the school and improve the educational outcomes and Catholic identity of the school.
To ensure these goals are met the Annual General meeting of the St Colman’s CSP is seeking expressions of interest in the following positions:
- Chairperson (President)
- Vice Chairperson
- Secretary
- General Members
We are asking community members to self nominate if they would like to join or continue on the CSP. If you could please complete the attached by Tuesday 14th March 2023.
Please consider giving up two hours a term to ensure that your child’s wellbeing and education is a partnership and the best it can be at St Colman’s School.
A big thank you to those families that took home chocolate/lolly boxes. There are only a few left in the office to sell. If you missed out on collecting a box or you are able to sell another box, please call into the office.
Next week Year 3 and Year 5 start their Naplan testing. The students have been completing some practice tests to get use to the online testing format. We wish them well for these tests. Naplan is only one small part of the reporting process for your child.
NAPLAN Calendar
Wednesday 15th March - Writing Year 3 & 5
Thursday 16th March - Reading Year 3 & 5
Friday 17th March - Conventions of Language (Spelling/Grammar) Year 3 & 5
Monday 20th March - Numeracy
Catch up tests are run until Friday 24th March if your child is sick on any of these days.
Please ensure that your child has breakfast and has fruit break on these days.
Religious Education News
St Colman’s School and Parish Confirmation Mass
A note will be sent home this Friday to all students eligible to make their Confirmation. If your child does not receive a note please contact the front office.
Confirmation Mass on Sunday 16th July 2023 (Term 3 Week 1) at 9am in St Colman’s Church Home Hill. The mass will be celebrated by Bishop Tim and Father Manoj. A special morning tea will be served afterwards at St Colman’s School Shed.
Is your child in Year 4 or above ? Are they baptized Catholic ? If so .. Then your child can receive the sacraments of Reconciliation (Pennace), Eucharist(Communion) and Confirmation.
Date of Confirmation : Sunday 16th July 2023 (Term 3 Week 1)
Where : St Colman’s Church Home Hill
Preparation : Mrs Karen Keys nad Mrs Kim Watkins will prepare the students for confirmation.
Thursday 20th April - Sacramental Program Home Hill (Term 2 Week 1) Information sessions for parents 6pm
Then six sessions 8 sessions on Monday after school 3.00pm - 4.15pm
Monday 24th April Monday 8th May
Monday 15th May Monday 22nd May
Monday 29th May - Sacrament of Reconciliation
Monday 5th June Monday 12 June
Monday 19th June - Retreat with parents
Dear students, staff, and parents,
It was an inspirational experience for me to begin the season of lent 2023 with you on Ash Wednesday. I was able to be part of the beautiful liturgy organized by your school. I would like extend my gratitude to your principals and APREs for their exceptional interest shown in engaging you with the catholic identity of the school. You will see Purple coloured decorations at the sacred place of your school which will remind you constantly of this beautiful season. During these days of this special season, we are retelling the events that brought us life through the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ loved us even to the point of dying for us, the most cruel death, death on the Cross.
"A man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
This year we had a lot more parishioners attending the Ash Wednesday liturgy. This was a good gesture of us growing in our faith and a gesture of our longing to come closer to Jesus. We have about 10 Lenten groups this year around the Burdekin. They come together once a week and share their reflections on the Bible, especially the crucial moments in the lives of Jesus, passion, death, and resurrection. They include your parents, teachers, parishioners, your neighbors, friends, and priests.
On Fridays, there is the Stations of the Cross at all our churches. The parish bulletin will give you more details about these special Lenten services. Please try and join us in any of them.
Some of your schoolmates told me that they do some kind of fasting, and some give up chocolates, their favourite TV show, or something that they like. Some of you are saving money and giving that money to Project Compassion to help poor children elsewhere. I thought that was an excellent thing to do. I congratulate them on this.
I have seen these days more people coming to daily masses or making good confessions. Again, these are something you could do if your school time or work permit. I hope and pray that you do not miss the blessings this season offers to all of us. The forty days of Lent is a Sacred Time. This will lead us to the celebration of Easter.
May we be able to be walking with Jesus in His moments of suffering and death because He walks with us in our days of struggles without fail.
Fr. Manoj Mathew, C.Ss.R.
Burdekin group of parishes
St Colman's Parish Feast Day Dinner
This year the St Colman's Parish would like to host a dinner the night before our feast day which will be celebrated on October 22nd at 8am.The dinner would be held at St Colman's School on Saturday 21st of October. This event would be for past, present and anyone interested in St Colman's.It is also hoped that the night would raise money for the parish as the St Colman's Debutante Ball which usually contributes nearly $6000 to the running of the parish, is unable to be run this year due to a lack of numbers. If you would like to be involved in the organising committee can you please contact Gloria Vass 0458274426 or Karen Keys on kkeys@scschh.catholic.edu.au
Reminder that School Fees are due 17th March.
If you would like to go onto a payment plan (monthly, fortnightly or weekly), or for any other enquiries, please contact the office.
Run Club
It was great to see so many Students join in the Run Club. Each student was given a card to complete how many laps they had achieved. Hope to see you all this Thursday.
My New Gallery
Library Corner
Grandma's Guide to Happiness
From bestselling author Andrew Daddo comes a heartwarming book of grandmotherly philosophy.
My grandma says the funniest things.
She says that you don't need much to be happy - not really.
Grandmas know that it's often the simplest things that make you happy, like splashing in a puddle or baking delicious cookies.
Join Andrew Daddo and Stephen Michael King as they take you on a joyful journey with
Grandma and grandchild to discover the key to happiness.
Community News
Child Dental Benefit Scheme
Did you know that your child could be eligible for Medicare funded dental services such as
check-ups, cleans, x-rays, fillings, root canals and extractions at the dentist of your choice?
“The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) provides dental services to children aged
between 2 and 17 years. Dental services are capped at $1000 over 2 consecutive years. The
two year cap period starts when a child or teenager first gets an eligible dental service.
The CDBS doesn’t cover orthodontic, cosmetic dental work, or dental services provided in
There are some restrictions for dental services. These are listed in the Guide to the Child
Dental Benefits Schedule on the Department of Health’s website.”
To be eligible for the CDBS, your child must:
● Be aged 2-17 years for at least 1 day of the calendar year
● Be eligible for Medicare on the day of service
● Get, or be part or a family getting, certain Australian Government payments.
Go to servicesaustralia.gov.au for eligibility and more information.
Bin Chicken’s Eggcellent Easter Bonanza
To celebrate the release of Kate Temple’s latest Bin Chicken Story ‘Bin Chicken’s Eggcellent Easter’, we’ll be running a First 5 Forever event at Anzac Park on Tuesday 4th April from 9am – 11am.
During this session, Kate will read a few of her stories (with a special black and white feathered guest) and will be available to meet families, please note the author reading with take place at 9:30am sharp!
Some other fun activities on offer will include a coffee van, free face painting, fun activities from the Play2Learn team, an easter egg hunt, craft activities and free giveaways.
Bookings are required and can be made via our Eventbrite page - https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/bin-chickens-eggcellent-easter-bonanza-tickets-570288537367